As a business owner, you are the lead character in your adventure. Along your journey, you’ll face pitfalls and perils. Overcoming those obstacles depends on your clarity of vision and purpose. We can help you interpret your quest and guide you to ultimate triumph.
Once upon a time, owning your own ice cream parlor was a childhood dream you’d never thought you’d realize. But, here you are, 12 years and two additional stores later, celebrating the fruits of your labor on a family wintertime vacation.
While you’re relaxing in the hot tub, however, you realize that you want “more.” Sure, you’ve been successful, but you’re finding that the responsibilities attached to owning multiple shops are pulling you in one direction, and you want to go in another. Although you’ve pretty much separated yourself from most of the day-to-day store operations, something inexplicable is holding you back from chasing the next adventure and selling your frozen treats to supermarkets.
You know that there’s been a lot of inertia the past year. Store and shift managers don’t seem as happy. Employees require more oversight. Your spouse says you should be making even more money than you’re currently bringing in. More than that, a national competitor just moved into a locale within walking distance from your first shop. Ultimately, something just seems “off” and you can’t quite figure out “why.”
This minor rut is a challenge that successful small business owners encounter as they try to decipher their “next level.” They’re unsure of what they want, and that lack of clarity radiates to everyone within their sphere of influence. If not addressed, this minor setback can devolve into a major obstacle that threatens to jeopardize the company’s status—and the owner’s personal and professional happiness.
That’s where we enter. Flash Three can provide trustworthy thought partnership for the successful business owner. We can help you clarify what’s truly important to you and what the “next level” means for you on a personal and professional stage.
We believe, firmly, that you’re the main character in your narrative—the hero, of sorts. Heroes don’t lose, and there’s no reason why any business owner should fail to pluck what he truly wants from life.
Whether you’re a staunch labor union hoping to re-invent your mission, an attorney forging your own practice, or a homegrown bakery looking for guidance as you roll out a delivery service, we can help you become unforgettable.
Visit the “Connect” page to schedule a meeting with us to see how we can help create your vision and guide you along your adventure.